Other College Information

Fees and Notice Required for Withdrawal from the College

I would like to remind parents of the College's Fee Policy and the requirement to set up a payment schedule in Parent Lounge if the account is not paid in full by the noted due date. Please ensure that you organise and set up your payment schedule before 28 February. If payment is not made or set up by this date, please note you are in breach of the College’s fee policy.



I would also like to take the opportunity to remind parents of the College's student withdrawal procedure to ensure the continued planned financial commitments of the College are managed:


When a student is to be withdrawn from the College, or if an enrolment is to be cancelled by the parents, they are required to give the Head of College one term's notice, in writing, before the withdrawal or cancellation date. A term's notice is defined as a full 10-week term plus any holiday periods. However, if withdrawal is to be effective at the end of the College year, written notice must be given by the end of Term 3. Parents/guardians who do not give such a period of notice will be liable to pay the College an amount equal to one term's fees in lieu of such notice.

Marist College Ashgrove Bullying Policy

Marist College Ashgrove says no to bullying.


Bullying can take many forms including:

  • Physical bullying which involves physical actions such as hitting, pushing, obstructing or being used to hurt or intimidate someone. Damaging, stealing or hiding personal belongings is also a form of physical bullying. 
  • Psychological bullying is when words or actions are used to cause psychological harm. Examples of psychological bullying include name-calling, teasing or making fun of someone because of their actions, appearance, physical characteristics or cultural background.
  • Indirect bullying is when deliberate acts of exclusion or the spreading of untrue stories are used to hurt or intimidate someone. 
  • Cyberbullying is the ongoing abuse of power to threaten or harm another person using technology. Cyberbullying can occur in chat rooms, on social networking sites, through emails or on mobile phones. 

The College Bullying Policy clearly states that if a student is being bullied, they need to report the bullying to a teacher or leadership team member. On reporting, the member of staff will then follow a rigorous procedure to ensure that the bullying ceases.  Some students are concerned about reporting bullying due to being called names such as a “snitch”.  The bullying policy clearly states that any student who retaliates against another boy for reporting bullying is acting as a bully and consequences will follow.  In other words, boys are protected once they report bullying. 


Information on Bullying Flyer

Child Protection Officers

As part of our faith basis, duty of care obligations and legislative requirements, Marist College Ashgrove is committed to providing a safe environment to all students and to uphold their best interests and wellbeing.


With this in mind, the College has seven Child Protection Officers whom staff, parents and students can report any instances of considered inappropriate behaviour by staff, parents or other students.  Should you or your son want to report any kind of inappropriate behaviour, you may do so either in person or via one of the email addresses below.

If you or your son would like to speak to a counsellor about any kind of concerning behaviour or general personal safety or mental health matters, we also have the Reach Out Portal tile on both the Parent and Student Portals. This will take you to a form you may complete that is received by the College Counsellors who will follow up accordingly.

Supervision of Students Before School

The College’s formal yard supervision of students commences at 8:15am every school day.


Those boys who are attending sports training or other planned activities will be supervised by the adult(s) in charge. From 7:30am, boys are welcome at either of the libraries or the Centre for Learning Enrichment for tutoring and other assistance.


While there are always adults around the school from 7:00am in a coaching or tutoring capacity, Marist College Ashgrove does not provide formal supervision of students not attending sport training, music rehearsal or tutoring prior to 8:15am.  Parents are responsible for their sons prior to this time.