Principal's Report

NAPLAN results
As you may have seen in the news, the National NAPLAN results were released recently.
Deputy Secretary David Howes shared this message with all school communities.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments held earlier this year had a very high participation rate from Victorian students, with participation levels returning to pre-COVID levels.
Last month, families with children in grades 3 or 5 or years 7 or 9 who participated in the assessments received their results through an individual NAPLAN report.
Recently, the statewide results have been released, and I am pleased to have this opportunity to provide some information about Victoria’s performance.
There are a total of 20 tests each year across grades 3 and 5 and years 7 and 9 that assess student achievement in reading, writing, numeracy, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Of the 20 tests, Victorian was ranked first or second in 16, more than any other state or territory, and an improvement on the 2022 results when the equivalent figure was 12.
NAPLAN results for Grade 3 are of particular importance because the first 3 years of schooling establish the foundation for further success. Victorian Grade 3 students achieved the highest results in the country for both reading and numeracy.
In secondary schools, Victoria had the lowest proportion of students needing additional support in both years 7 and 9 in both reading and numeracy compared to all other states and territories.
The results have also highlighted the fact that we need to continue our efforts to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. While Aboriginal students in Victoria achieved higher results on average than in other states and territories, the gap between the performance of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students is still too large, as is the gap between the average performance of metropolitan students and that of regional students.
Overall, however, while we are clearly focused on the areas where further improvement is needed, these are excellent results. They are a tribute to the outstanding work of teachers, principals and staff in the schools across our state.
No one would suggest our schools are perfect. Education is always an unfinished business. But on the evidence of today’s release of the statewide NAPLAN results, Victorian teachers and school principals are doing a great job
Parent Opinion Survey
Thank you to the families who have completed the Parent Opinion Survey.
We would love to see many more families express what you think is going well at our school and what are some of the opportunities for improvement.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst families. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
For any parents who received the link if you could take the time to complete the survey it would help the school in collecting valuable information for our planning. The survey closes on Friday September 8th.
End of Term early dismissal
A reminder that Friday 15th September is the final day of Term 3. Periods 1-4 will run as timetabled, and all students will be dismissed at the end of period 4 at 1:15 on this day.
Celebrating diversity
At Epping Secondary College, we are extremely proud of the inclusive, respectful and multicultural school community that we have developed. As part of our regular celebrations, many students took the opportunity to participate in Wear It Purple Day, an international day to raise awareness of the experiences of LGBTIQA+ young people.
On Tuesday 5th of September, we are celebrating diversity of a different kind with Multicultural Day. This will involve a series of lunchtime activities to highlight the broad range of cultures that are proud members of the Epping Secondary College community.
Jared Williams
Acting College Principal