Fare Share Donation Drive.

Epping Secondary College is once again holding a Food Bank Drive to help support Fare Share Melbourne, an organisation that prepares fresh meals for people in our community who have trouble cooking or accessing healthy meals.
In Weeks 9 and 10 of this term (week beginning September 4 to week ending September 15), we will be asking students and teachers to donate either a packet of pasta, rice or a can of tinned vegetables to this worthy cause.
Students can drop off donations at a tub at the front office or wait until students visit their classes/locker bays in the morning and then donate directly to the students in charge of this event from our Year 11 VM Personal Development class.
We have done this successfully before thanks to the staff and families of Epping Secondary College and we look forward to again proving how far a little act of kindness can go.
Thank you for your support.
Antoinette Rehak.