Last Weekend

On Friday night students knocked back offers of going to Time Zone and the movies to again attend Eaton Fair to stock up on supplies.


Early Saturday, Mrs Armstrong and Mr Hodgson headed off to Perth for a round of golf on the 3D course at the Glowing Rooms in Hamilton Hill. It was a great day enjoyed by all who participated. After enjoying a packed lunch, they stopped at Cockburn Central before returning to the College.

Saturday evening was filled with Karaoke and really bad “Dad “ jokes. Students and staff got into the swing of things and there were many laughs.

Sunday morning some students went to Bunbury to undertake roller skating; this was a bit challenging for a couple of students who decided it wasn’t their thing.


Wednesday -  Night Reality TV - The Summit Guest Speakers / Matildas Soccer

Last night we were lucky enough to have guest speakers attend to talk to our students about their time on the TV Show 'The Summit'.

It was a fantastic evening where Brooke and Lulu kept the students engaged for the entire evening.  It was interesting to hear how events unfolded on the TV show and the mental strength all the contestants involved had to have to get through to the end.  The girls explained how strategy played an enormous part in the show, along with building relationships with all the other competitors in this gruelling undertaking.


Thanks to Ms Stringer who organised Brooke and Lulu to come to the College through her contacts. We were the only school in WA lucky enough to have them visit.


After the guests left we joined in with the millions of viewers around Australia who were tuned in to see the Matildas take on England in the Soccer World Cup. It was thrilling watching the game on the big screen, but unfortunately the result wasn’t what we were all hoping for.


Today is a short day to enable connections to public transport and allow all the students Friday to prepare for the College Ball.