Senior Years News

Year 10 Art Excursion

On Tuesday, August 1, the Year 10 Art class visited the National Gallery of Victoria - International for a 2-hour workshop and tour of their latest Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition.

Students explored the life and work of painter Pierre Bonnard, and his unique transcription of everyday subjects into artworks, from the busy streets of Paris to the iridescent natural landscapes of the South of France.  We also discovered how Bonnard’s work had inspired the exhibition’s unique scenography, conceived of by Paris-based designer and architect India Mahdavi.

Senior Years debating

This month the Senior Years Debating Teams concluded their five-round interschool competition with the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) in the Geelong Region.

Over the course of the competition, students have dedicated their time and efforts both during lunchtimes and afterschool, which has resulted in Good News putting forward strong competition for teams from 12 schools.


The competition has included mock debates, coaching sessions, evenings at Geelong Grammar, and long hours spent over speeches and argument research.


Special congratulations should be made to the following teams for their achievements in the competition:

  • B Grade (Year 11) GNLC 1 who placed 3rd
  • B Grade (Year 11) GNLC 2 who placed 4th
  • C Grade (Year 10) GNLC 1 who placed 2nd
  • C Grade (Year 10) GNLC 2 who placed 3rd

 I commend the participating students for their efforts, and particularly commend Inara F, who has served as the Debate Captain (2023) for her extraordinary coordination of 6 teams and organisation of meetings and coaching sessions for her peers.


Special thanks are also deserved to students who put their hands up to speak in debates at short notice or in minor emergencies, thank you to Bethany O. (Year 12), and Ash J. & Meesha H. (Year 10) who each gave tremendous service to the College in their willingness to participate. Thanks, are also extended to all of the staff members who have helped to make the interschool competition possible this year, Ms Wegener, Miss Stafford, Mrs Kaur, Mrs S. Nair, Mrs G. Nair, and Ms Kaoustos.

The Debate Club meets every Thursday at lunchtime in the Senior Years building.

All students from Years 9-12 are welcome to attend as we begin workshopping our debate skills through mock debates for the remainder of the year.

Mr Lachlan West - Debate Coordinator

Year 12's, Open Days and VTAC applications

Over the last few weeks Year 12 students have been preparing their VTAC applications for university places in 2024. Mrs Nolan, our pathways coordinator, has helped students create USIs, talked through the VTAC application process, how to apply for SEAS and organized presentations from various universities to explain pathways and options available to students post-school. The deadline for timely applications is Thursday 28 September 2023. Parents are encouraged to speak to their Year 12 student about potential pathways for next year over the coming weeks.