Middle Years News

Year 9 Rite Journey City Experience

Year 9 students were fortunate to have two amazing ‘camp days’ exploring an array of wonderful landmarks within the Melbourne CBD as part of their Rite Journey program. The program aimed to promote independence and communication amongst the students as they made their way around the CBD using trains and trams whilst participating in ‘The Amazing Race’. 


Students had the opportunity to be taken on an MCG tour where they met a former Olympian, explored the famous Victorian Markets, walked to the Shrine of Remembrance as well as participated in an Indigenous walking tour. 

In order to prepare the students for their exploration of the city, a school visit by the Victorian Police Educational division occurred at our College, highlighting how to remain safe in the city as well as identifying people who could assist them if the need arose. 

Year 8 Academic Information Evening

As part of the MYP learning journey, students from Year 8 along with their families had an opportunity to learn more about what was on offer as they move closer to Senior Years. 


This included being introduced to an exciting array of Elective Subjects on offer for Year 9 inclusive of Aviation Studies and Extended Mathematics. Additionally, those present learnt more about ‘The Rite Journey’ Year 9 Pastoral program as well as being given an introduction to Morrisby Reporting as well as an insight into what Year 10 and beyond looks like. xperience!

Parenting Tips

Forming great habits to help you study and succeed does not come naturally to teens. Rather, these skills need to be taught and nurtured in order for them to become habit. In this short post titled ‘7 Tips for Parents to Help Your Child Develop Effective Study Skills’ you will find some interesting and resourceful ways to help embed some great study habits for your child (ren). 
