Junior Years News

From Mambourin and Tarneit Campus 

IBPYP Exhibition

The Year 5 IBPYP Exhibition was a showcase of successful enquiry-based learning as the students shared the central theme “Sharing the Planet” and the central idea “People can take action to make a difference to humankind". 

The purpose of the Exhibition is:

  • For students to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry.
  • To provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate agency and responsibility for their learning.
  • To provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate the attributes of the learner prole in authentic contexts and exploring multiple perspectives.
  • For students to take action as a result of their learning.
  • To celebrate the transition of learners from primary to middle school - MYP.

The Exhibition was a great success arranged by these amazing students. The Year 5 staff would like to acknowledge and thank all families for the support and interest in your child’s learning through the Exhibition!

Learning Beyond the Classroom 

Students in Mambourin Prep E, F and Year 1E have enjoyed learning beyond the classroom. This is an important and unique opportunity for learning as children explore the world beyond the school grounds transferring knowledge and skills within an everyday context. The bus ride alone offers the opportunity for children to make connections about their lives, what they learn and how they relate to their classmates. 


As a part of our unit of inquiries Prep E, Prep F and Year 1E went to LUME to be immersed in the light and sound show called Connection. 


This show represented Aboriginal Art, Music and storytelling. It offered our children a rich experience through their senses of Aboriginal culture and their connection to nature and the land. This linked to our unit by allowing the children to consider the perspective of others and to explore the ways in which the Aboriginal culture cares and values the land.  

In the same way our children have experienced taking risks, being brave and learning about how to be safe in water. The swim program this week has created new interactions with their swim teachers, and they have applied their growing management skills in working collaboratively, managing their own bodies and functioning as a group to travel to the pool, to organise their belongings and to independently dress and organise their swim bags.  

These experiences build a child’s confidence and allows them to see the world in a different way. This enhances their learning and has a strong impact on how the perceive their peers and the community. 


Maria Denholm & Lara Ronalds