School News

No canteen this week

Due to limited stock we will NOT have canteen tomorrow (Thursday). Canteen will be back next week instead.



Interested in singing lessons?

The APS Out of Hours Music Program (OHMP) has received recent enquiries for singing lessons. The Committee would be delighted to expand the program to include voice. 

 If you are interested in singing lessons for your child please let us know. It is easier to attract teachers if we have 4-5 students interested.

 OHMP Committee





Reminder - Book Week is coming up

Book Week runs from 21st August. 

At APS, we will celebrate book week on Tuesday 22nd August from 9.00am. Students are welcome to dress up as their favourite book character. 

Grandparents, Special Persons, and families are invited to see the Parade from 9.00am.




Big Group Hug