Classroom News

Year 4 Interschool Chess Champs!

Written by Florence, Grace & Clementine 


On Tuesday the 8th of August Year 4 students from Chess Club competed in an interschool chess tournament held at Alphington Grammar School.


The Y4s played against different schools and sometimes played against each other, those people were sometimes; Year 5s, Year 6s & Year 2s. 


As an addition to the awards, there were also some people who got a piece from a chess board such as the king or queen, to remind them of the fantastic experience they had. Those people were Grace Toby, Jordi, and a few others.


But onto the medals, in first place for the girls was… Clementine who played exceptionally. Florence did an amazing job and came in second place! There was a three way tie for third  (bronze) medallists - Sophie, Jasmina and Eloise who equally all deserved everything they were awarded and more.


 Sadly, there were lots more boys, so no APS boys got a medal. Even though that happened I think we can all agree that they deserved it. Everyone was awarded a participation certificate for trying their best as well, though we personally think all APS Y4s deserved a medal. 


As well as medals for the Top 3 there were two trophies one for the school that did the best and the best primary participant unfortunately APS did not get awarded with any trophies , but that’s fine, because it was almost everyone's first chess tournament & it goes to show that we can keep on improving and someday we will be our best possible players.