A Word From Leadership

Advance notice: Pupil Free Day

A reminder that on Friday 8th September, the primary school will have a pupil free day (school closure). This day has historically been for families to attend the Royal Adelaide Show.


On this day our staff team will be completing a full day update of 1st Aid training. Staff from Imagination OSHC will also be completing the training, so our OSHC service will not operate on this day.

Spring is almost here!

Spring is just around the corner. It reminds me of the creativity of God. I know that He is present in the rain, but with spring comes colour and new.  It keeps popping out from behind the clouds and then back again.  


I am sure that by the time the school holidays come around, it will be warmer and we will be seeking the sun. Nature Play SA have an amazing list of things that you might like to consider looking at during the spring time.

In addition to this resource have a look at their website for some free local activities that you can participate in.