A Word From Leadership

Re-enrolment Survey

A reminder to all parents to please respond to the re-enrolment survey that was emailed to you early last week.

Class Allocations 2024

We share the following information / procedure relating to the Class Allocation process for the following year.  


In the final weeks of term 3, and over the coming holiday break, we will begin working towards the allocation of students to specific class groupings for 2024.  


As our methodology and flexible learning environments continue to develop, in many respects, children’s ‘home classes’ become just one of their day-to-day groupings.  Many of you would recognise in our current organisation, that to maximise learning opportunities, children may sometimes be organised in interest groups, even ability groups. We strive to be creative rather than restrictive when it comes to the needs of learners.


We are a school that reflects constantly on practice and approach all we do through a lens of ‘continuous improvement’.  We feel the trust of the parent community and I am confident that our class allocation process is thorough and respectful of student needs.  Thank you!  However, we also recognise that for some parents, the allocation process creates high levels of anxiety. 


Again, this year we ask for your respect and trust as we complete the process.  Please refrain from requesting a specific teacher for your child(ren) or specific friendship groupings. The reason for this is simply that the broad range of factors we consider for each child, makes for an already detailed and complex process. We are simply unable to broadly and equitably meet such individual requests.  


We celebrate the strengths, opportunities and positives provided to students when they are placed with the same cohort/teacher for 2 years. Feedback from students and parents supports our practice that students remain with their current teacher for 2 years e.g. from year 1 to year 2; year 3 to year 4; year 5 to year 6.


As always, if there is any information that you believe the school is not aware of or if there are any specific questions that you as parents have about our process, please get in touch. 


New information that needs to be shared should be directed to the Principal (E: principal@gspv.sa.edu.au) in writing, not to classroom teachers or other school leaders. 


Many thanks for your understanding and support of our process.