Year 3/4 Bulletin


Ranch Photos


To access some group photos from our camp to the Ranch, please click the link above. A video presentation will also be made in the following weeks with additional photos. 


Grade 3/4 Camp


A few weeks ago, our 3/4s embarked on an exciting adventure to their school camp at The Ranch.


This is often (particularly for our grade 3s) the first time kids have been away from their family or familiar environments. Students develop their resilience by learning to cope with unfamiliar circumstances and unexpected situations like trying activities, eating new food, sharing a cabin with other people. 


Camp experiences provide wonderful life skills that can help our students to face difficult situations, and gives kids the opportunity to further develop their coping skills.


The Ranch also gave students an opportunity to be independentcollaborative, and to form relationships outside the classroom with their peers. They were expected to organise themselves in cabins, dress themselves appropriately and be ready for the day, clean up after meals, and to approach challenges with an open and positive mindset.


Camp Outdoor Activities:

Animal Nursery

Rock Climbing

Giant Swing

Flying Fox



Hut Building


Students were asked “which of the 5 R’s did you display at Camp, and how were they shown?” Here are some of their responses:




“I displayed relationships and teamwork during the hut building, by figuring out how to build it and how it would be waterproof.”  Zara Niklai

“I think I showed relationships because I communicated with people in my group and I felt like I helped them a lot, specifically during the hut building activity.” - Elena Salavati

“I developed my relationships because I had some people that I wasn’t very good friends with in my cabin and I am now better friends with them” - Stella Karafillis 

“I think I showed relationships during the rock climbing and the initiatives because in the rock climbing I was cheering everyone on, and in the initiatives we all worked together.” - Olympia Cummings

“In the cabins I showed positive relationships by not shouting at everyone, instead I just spoke to them kindly.” - Primrose Sims

“I made friends in my cabin group even though I was separated from some of my friends, I still had fun in my cabin group.” - Inya Schroeder




“I respected the teachers and the people taking the activities, and I listened when the teachers were talking. In the future I’ll continue to respect the teachers and continue to listen to them all the time.” - Issy Harris

“I showed respect by not mucking up the cabins and by being kind to the others in my cabin.” - Erin Leith

I showed respect to my group by cheering them on during the giant swing.” - Hattie Waterson

“I was respectful on camp by helping out my friends, having a go at all the activities, I was nice to the teachers and staff, and I helped out all my friends in the cabins.” - Tiger Zoltak




“I was responsible by remembering to brush my teeth, to take my asthma inhaler, and I looked after my friends.” - Emily Pham

“I showed responsibility by making sure our room was clean the whole time - and I didn’t lose anything!” - Leticia Campos

“I showed responsibility by organising my belongings in my cabin and always being ready on time for the activities.” - Hugo Jensen




“I showed resilience when doing the initiatives because it was teamwork and you had to stay calm with your teammates.” - Laura O’Hara



I was able to reflect on camp during the homework this week. I enjoyed all the activities and I feel like I grew because I didn’t really want to go to the top of the Giant Swing but I did it anyway.” - Josh Schmidt

“I reflected on my experience at camp last year and it helped me find ways of how I could make it a better experience this time.” - Bella Ryan 


Learning Intention: To use a WOW chart to reflect on my camp experience. 


This week, your child will come home with a reflection on their time at camp. As a class, we discussed the  positives and challenges about our experiences. The children were offered the opportunity to think about their ‘Wins’, ‘Obstacles’ and ‘Wonderings’ about camp. This type of reflection is known as a WOW.


Continuing the learning at home


Reflection is an important skill for our students to practise. When children reflect, they build skills like remembering, questioning, investigating, explaining, translating, sharing, and revisiting. These skills are crucial both in school and in life.


Promote reflective practices at home by asking your child:

  • What went well? 
  • What did you learn?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • What did you find challenging?
  • What questions or wonderings do you still have?

Gardening clothing reminder


On Thursdays, the grade 3/4 students work in the garden with Clare and Ariel as part of the Kitchen Garden program. As we know with Melbourne’s weather, it can sometimes be inclement or unpredictable. Please send your child on Thursdays dressed appropriately for being outside in the garden in the morning, with a rain jacket or an extra layer of warmth. This ensures children are as focused and on task as possible, while remaining content and warm. Thank you!


Allira, Mr Cornell and Ruby

Year 3/4 Team