Deputy Principal's Message

NAPLAN continues this week. Most students have completed their writing, reading and language conventions assessments, leaving only mathematics to go. This will be administered on Tuesday of this week, so please make sure your child has their headphones at school to use when completing the test. Catch-up sessions for students who have been away will be held as needed until Monday 25 March. Well done to the students for their efforts thus far. It has been fantastic to see everyone applying themselves and putting in their best effort!
Year 6 to 7 - enrol online
The Year 6 to 7 transition and enrolment process has moved online for the second year. The moving to high school page has been added to all primary school websites and can be found on the Ben Venue Public School website. Links to the online Expression of Interest (EOI) and Placement Not Required (PNR) forms are currently available on the moving to high school page and must be completed no later than Thursday 4 April 2024.
Please note that a form for all 2024 Year 6 students must be completed, regardless of whether they are attending a public or independent school in 2025. Students attending a NSW public school in 2025 are required to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form. If your child does not require a placement in a government high school next year, please complete the Placement Not Required (PNR) form.
If you are currently unsure whether your child will be attending a NSW Government school, please still complete an EOI and follow up with us once a decision has been made.
The online process will guide you through your options and collect the information required to make the process as smooth as possible. Information provided via these forms enables us to support your child’s transition to high school and ensures the department can fulfil its duty of care to all students.
If you require paper forms, please see the office. Paper forms must be completed and submitted to the office no later than Thursday 28 March 2024.
Lana Howlett
Deputy Principal