School News and Information
News from the Kindergarten Koalas!
Welcome to Week 10!
So much learning happens each day at school! We do lots of "extra" learning which is connected to our Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) such as English, Maths and Science. These are timetabled into our weekly learning and the concepts for each of these KLA’s are explicitly taught in these time slots. However, during each day in a really short period of time, lots of fabulous learning happens.
For example, in the first 15 minutes of our school day, our Kindergarten class has the best discussions. We can talk about Maths during our morning message when we look at how many children are here for the day. Some questions we may ask are: We have 20 students in Kindergarten, and 2 are away, how many are here today? How did you work that out? Is there another way to show this? Each morning our superheroes for the week put a dot on a ten frame and then turn over a number on our 100's chart to show how many days we have been at school. We talk about the number of days we have been at school. How many more till we get to 50? 60?
During the morning message we also talk about the weather and last week we had a big discussion about the people who study the weather and that they are meterologists (Geography/Science). We also watched a weather report and talked about the different icons used to show different types of weather. In the same morning message, we think of different words to describe the weather outside. So instead of saying “Its cloudy outside”, the kids can say, dull, overcast, dreary. (More interesting vocabulary). After we have written our morning message together, we then read it as a whole class looking for our “heart words” and remembering things such as, if we see an exclamation mark, we use a slightly different voice. These are English/literacy concepts. All this learning happens in just 10-15 minutes!!
Here are some photos of more of our learning from the last few weeks.
Thank you to all parents and carers for a great first term of Kindergarten!
We have packed in a lot, and we have lots of precious learning to go for 2024!
Happy holidays!
Felicity Pennington, Ange Harris and Kim See
Library/Technology News
As always it has been action packed in the library this term!
Kindergarten are zooming along coding their Indi robotic cars and will this week progress to coding the Beebots using left, right, forward and backwards directions.
Stage One have been busy bees as well coding and learning how important it is to know our left from our right when we are coding directions for our Beebots.
Stage Three are continuing the process of developing their 3D character and are in the design using Tinkercad to transform their 2D image into 3D reality on the computer. We are hoping to progress into the exciting stage of 3D printing our characters early next term.
All the students have been exploring the capabilities of AI technology and in particular using an Adobe feature ‘text to image’. Text to image allows the students to transform a descriptive sentence that they have written into an AI generated image. The students quickly discovered the most descriptive sentences generated the most detailed and interesting images. These are some examples of those images using Harmony Day and Easter as our inspiration.
Remember to keep bringing in your library bags. Our library is bursting with amazing books for you to read!
Mrs Dunham