Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

 Students of the Week

Monday 22nd April



NameGradeCongratulations to the following students for:
Jayden06Bcontributing to our class discussion on Anzac Day and sharing his knowledge with his peers.  Well done Jayden!
Adelina01Ashowing motivation and always trying to put her best effort into her learning.
Lilian00Ashowing an amazing commitment to her learning by having a growth mindset during guided reading groups and independently writing a sentence including a number word. Well Done Lilian!
Ava02ACongratulations Ava on receiving an award today for  the value of Learning. You are using fantastic describing words in your writing which makes your work so exciting to read. Well done!
Emily00Balways putting maximum effort in her work and finishing all her tasks on time. Keep up the amazing work Emily! 
Robert00AIt's been great watching Robert trying his utmost to improve his learning skills, especially with our recent pick the patterns activity. Keep up the good work!
Johnson05Bapplying your term 1 knowledge in your writing of an exposition about why everyone should/must own a bike. Your arguments were well thought out and supported by persuasive testimonials. You should be very proud of your hard word! Well done!
Dilara02Bcreating a detailed flow diagram to support your explanation text on how a butterfly transforms. Congratulations on achieving a fantastic week of learning.
Ryan03Bfor Ryan who is always ready to learn and completes his work with the best of his ability. Well Done Ryan!
Alysha05Aincorporating her creative, artistic ability in her learning footsteps.
Kayden06BKayden has begun Music this term showing great enjoyment and commitment and is giving 100% to his involvement in class tasks. 
Sasha04Ausing her imagination and coming up with some very creative ideas for our whole class narrative. Great work Sasha!
Josiah04Btrying his best across all subject areas and showing resilience when learning new skills. Well done Josiah, you're a superstar! 
Charlie06Aapplying himself to the improvement of his work and for participation in class discussions this week's Student of the Week award goes to Charlie Troup for demonstrating the value of Learning. Well done.



Monday 22nd April




Monday 22nd April