
Garden News
Our garden needs your help.
Are there any families that could help water our garden over the school holidays.
Please email Dominique Taylor if you have a day or two when you could pop down.
Thanks so much
Mornington Shire Recycling Trailer
Crib Point - 22 April - 12 May
The trailer will be at St Joe's on the above dates and collects e-waste (that fits in the trailer opening) and old bags, clothes and shoes that can not be donated to others.
We are very appreciative of the Mornington Shire to supply such a valuable service to stop e -waste and textiles going into our red landfill bins.
Environmental Leadership Summit Day
Our Grade 6 Earthcare Leadership team participated in a leadership day in Mornington Last week.
It was a great experience where the team could work with other young leaders and experts from CERES to start developing project ideas to implement in the school later in the year. The students conducted a number of audits around the school before the day. They looked at waste created in the school, energy use and water collection and use. Well done Earthcare team and we look forward to seeing some new projects unfold next term.