Junior School

Throughout Term 1, the overarching theme in our Junior School has been Identity. A healthy identity comes from a deep understanding of who we really are. In this big and crazy world with a population of around 8 billion people, it is easy to get lost and not know who we are. It is easy for young people to think they are worthless. As students have explored who they are, they have learnt that they are made by God and, more importantly, made in His likeness. Our Creator not only made us, but we are deeply cherished by Him. Psalm 139 teaches us that we are meticulously crafted and were known by God before our very beginning. His care for us is boundless, as He knows us more intimately than we do ourselves, right down to the number of hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). This astounding love is further exemplified by His ultimate sacrifice – sending His beloved son, Jesus, to redeem us and cleanse us of our sins. Embracing Him as our Saviour allows us to forge a personal bond with our Creator. It is a love so extraordinary that it defines the essence of amazement. My deep hope is that every student in our Junior School discovers their true Identity in Christ.
ROAR Award
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded the ROAR Award by their teachers at Chapel in Week 8. This award is presented to students for showing respect, obedience, acceptance, or resilience and upholding our Junior School Code of Respect. The awardees are:
ROAR Nominations Term 1 Week 8 | ||
Prep A | Divith Prem | Respect |
Prep N | Luna Hu | Resilience |
Prep W | Ivaan Bedi | Acceptance |
1CB | Hazel De Vincentis | Respect |
1JB | Sangpi Lam | Respect |
2B | Eva Skilton | Obedience |
2D | Alira Law | Resilience |
3D | Hannah Jacob | Respect |
3M | Janim Cai | Obedience |
4R | Maia Cheng | Resilience |
4T | Javan Varelas | Respect |
4W | Chloe Donchi | Obedience |
5D | Lily Turner | Resilience |
5M | Alicia Brown | Resilience |
6B | Sienna Youssef | Respect |
6G | Shia Want | Resilience |
Literacy Discovery Evening
On Thursday 21 March, approximately 100 parents participated in a fun filled Literacy Discovery Evening at the BPAC. To start with, parents were introduced to the VCOP gang who teach our students about Vocabulary, Connective, Openers and Punctuation. Games were played, competitions won, and knowledge grown around how writing is explicitly taught in the Junior school. It was wonderful to hear parents take on the role of students, creating sentences and uplevelling to improve their efforts. After supper, we delved into SMART spelling, where teachers gave demonstrations of the SMART process and explained how spelling is taught from Prep to Year 6. I would like to thank Mrs Claudia Weller, our Literacy Coordinator, and her team for organising and running this event. It was a wonderful opportunity to build community amongst our Junior School families. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to attend.
Presentation notes for the evening have been posted on the College App, and information packs are available to those who want one. Please contact JSadmin@oxley.vic.edu.au and one will be sent home with your child.
Year 3 – 6 House Athletics
On Tuesday 26 March, we enjoyed a day of activity and sportsmanship at the Year 3 – 6 House Athletics. Congratulations to every student who participated, earning points for their House across various events. Well done to Tabor Trojans (White House), the overall champions for the day! Thank you to the parents who attended for their support and to Mrs Carolyn Connelly for organising the event. Read more about this event here.
Parent Information Session – Raising Kids in a Digital World
Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born (Alan Kay - Computer Scientist). As parents, I know that the ever-evoking world of technology can be a daunting place. As a College, we want to equip parents with knowledge and skills to support and protect children in this area. On Wednesday 22 May at 7.00 pm, parents are invited to attend an information session Raising Kids in a Digital World. Martin McGauran and Carley McGauran, a teacher and child psychologist, will run this practical and informative session. Martin and Carley will explore topics such as current trends in online behaviour, cyberbullying, unsafe apps and social media, managing devices in the home and keys to parent-child communication. Please mark this date on your calendar and make plans to attend this event.
To register for the evening, please click on the following link: bit.ly/oxley2024.
Please note this session is strictly for adults only. The content is not suitable for children.
As Term 1 draws to an end, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support of our students and staff throughout these past few months. It has truly been a great start to the year, filled with growth and learning experiences for all involved. We wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable time together over the holiday break. May this Easter be a time of reflection and joy as we remember the sacrifice and blessing made through the death and resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School