Sydenham Campus Principal Message

As we approach the end of Term 1, we celebrate all the achievements and events from the last few months. Our Year 7 students have settled in extremely well and have been getting ready for Iron Form Day which will take place in the last week of this term. Year 7 Connect teachers have been working with their classes to prepare for a day which can be best described as a mix of Australia's Got Talent/Olympic Games/The Masked Singer. We are looking forward to a great day on Monday 26th of March.
Year 7 and 8 students also enjoyed a wonderful day at our annual Swimming Sports. Copperfield College swimming carnival was a resounding success with fantastic participation from all students across the college, making it a memorable occasion for the school community. Arda Sonay and Gabriel Vierra made waves by breaking swimming records. The E team emerged victorious, showcasing exceptional teamwork and skill.
Thank you to Ms Brookshaw (College Sport Leader) and Mr Oraha (Syd Campus Sport Leader) for their organisation and work on the day.
We look forward to another wonderful day for our College Athletics Carnival on Friday 22nd of March.
We have always had a very close relationship with our neighbouring primary schools. Over the last few years, we have established an annual sports day partnership with Parkwood Green and this year once again, Mr Mollaj has assisted in fostering those relationships by taking a small group of students to lead the sports days. Thank you also to Ms Gorgis who supported on a second day of events.
On Monday the 26th and Tuesday the 27th of February, various students in Years 8 & 9 from Sydenham Campus, helped out at the Athletics Carnival being run for students at Parkwood Green Primary School. Students involved were dedicated to delivering an exceptional, Jun and engaging Athletics Day for the Primary School students. Sydenham students helped facilitate all Athletic events and encouraged the younger students to aspire and achieve their best.
Both days were a HUGE success! All students showed great leadership qualities, organisational skills and motivation. The hard work that the students had put in did not go unnoticed by both Copperfield and Parkwood Green staff A huge thank you and congratulations to all students involved in the Park Wood Green Athletics Carnival .
Did you know? Ms Lana Thomas -Syd Science Technician, looks after our very own Tree Frog We have a green tree frog (Litoria caeru.lea) enclosure in K team science room, make sure you come and say hello! The Green tree frog is native to northern and eastern regions of Australia and to the lowlands of New Guinea and can grow up to 11. 5 cm (4. 5 inches) in length, they like warm humid conditions and the one we have in the science room is fed live Crickets. Their average lifespan is 16 years. We are planning to get more in the future.
Copperfield College Sydenham Campus was recently recognised for its Breakfast Club Program in the Star Weekly.
Ms Krystal Allison pictured with Lam and Arda. Foodbank Victoria has been a generous supplier of breakfast club items, and we thank the staff who continue to volunteer their time of a morning to help organise breakfast for students. The full article can be found here; https: //brimbanknorthwest.starweekl /news/ dont-forget-about breakfast-club /
Our Campus Well Being Team is always available to support students and their families. Elle Vilic (Mental Health Practitioner), Emily Jackson (Educational and Developmental
Psychology Registrar) and Jane Williamson (Student Well Being) provide well-being services in person and via phone as required.
Elle has recently started building a relationship with Carman's Kitchen this year and upon explaining the disadvantageous financial position of some students and families at our Sydenham campus they very generously agreed to make a donation of snack bars to the Sydenham Wellbeing team which will be provided to students that present to
Wellbeing. The delivery has arrived and has been distributed amongst the team members and in the Principal's offices.
Thank you to Elle for her work on this partnership. We also thank Emily for her work whilst at the Campus. Emily has taken up another professional opportunity and we send our best wishes to her.
International Women's Day
We celebrated IWD2024 'Invest in women: accelerate progress' across the College with a morning tea provided by Mr Adamou on behalf of the College. At Sydenham, Campus Captain N eisha Lee Fedele spoke about what IWD meant to her as a young woman. She was ably supported by co Campus Captain Angus Morgan. Neisha's speech included,
'The movement was invented to implement gender equality, honour the achievements of women, and to recognise what we do for society. A woman with a voice is a powerful woman. We celebrate this day, because women are dynamic, we are strong, we deserve to be in power just as much as everyone else. Now let me tell you a little story, there was a young girl, who used to get made fun of for going for leadership positions all the time, she was told she would never be as good as her male associate, now she stands here today telling other young girls they can do exactly what she does. Women's ideas should never be shut down, their voices should always be heard, women's aspirations and accomplishments should always be acknowledged. And that's what we celebrate today.' Thank you, Neisha and Angus.
Thank you to Mr Moyer, Mr Love and Mr Buttigieg for stepping in to the front office and the library so that their colleagues could enjoy the morning tea.
We are continuing to work on the buildings and grounds around the campus. You may have noticed the new fence at the back of the oval.
This will make a huge difference to our ability to discourage members of the public availing themselves of our facilities on weekends and public holidays. Many thanks to Ms Corinne Di Meglio (Facilities Manager) for her assistance in getting quotes and organising the labour.
NAPLAN commenced last Wednesday, and all Year 7 and 9 students have been working through the literacy and numeracy tests. Information for parents and carers about NAPLAN 2024 can be found here; https:/ / docs/ defaultsource / default-document-library / naplan-information-brochurefor-parents-and-carers. pdf
This year we have made some changes to our Student Bulletin. The Family/Student bulletin is now mailed to families and students every Monday morning. Thank you to Louise, Brooke and Nalia for their efforts in providing this information in a timely manner.
As the term draws to a close, we remind all parents and carers to make bookings for Parent/Carer and Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of March. All information can be found on Compass.
Thank you also to Ms Karen Martin and Mr Ercan Hasip who have stepped in whilst Mr Atherton has been on leave.
We wish all our Sydenham students, families and staff a restful term break and we look forward to starting Term 2 on Monday April 15th.
Mr Andrew Atherton and Ms Mary Chiodo Campus Principals