Delahey Campus Principal Message

Since last Council meeting Delahey has been the host campus for a couple of important whole college events.
Firstly, we have had our first two staff induction sessions for our Aspirational Learning
Environment. We had our inaugural ALE induction session shortly after the last council meeting focussing on teachers setting up a classroom social and learning environment that is predictable, compassionate, inclusive and encouraging. The second session on setting up the learning conditions to connect students with each other happened last week. These are PD sessions for new teachers across the whole school and we are also reflecting on these same key ideas for our experienced Copperfield teachers in our campus meetings afterwards to ensure that we are all doing our best to maintain our aspirational learning environment. A key goal for Dela hey teachers next year is to make sure we are fostering student excellence through that aspirational environment in everything that we do with students.
The second whole school event we hosted was our Japan Tour Information Night. We were hoping for 20 students to join us on our journey to our sister school, Fuji Junior High, just outside Tokyo in Japan. We got a huge roll up with 55 students attending the information night. We are now in the difficult position of having to choose the best of these applicants and we will hopefully be informing families of the successful students before the end of the holidays.
It has been SAC season for VCE students, with students having assessment for essentially all VCE classes over the past three weeks. This is a big stress point for Year 11 students every year as they realise that the home study their teachers have been recommending since Step Up is indeed essential.
Our Year 12 VM Project are also now well underway with students meeting their mentors, planning and budgeting for their Year 12 projects. This is a really exciting transition as students move towards more adult responsibility. I'm personally the 'client' for a few projects looking to improve things around the Dela hey grounds and it is a lot of fun speaking with students who need to 'meet the brief' to improve their own campus for students now and into the future.
There is not much time in the rest of the term, we are hoping to see all of our parents,
particularly the Year 11 parents who may not have met many of the Dela hey staff at our Family, Student and Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 27 March to meet with teachers and discuss progress so far. The partnership between home and school is super important in these high demand final years of school and we want to make sure all of our students are set up to succeed with the support they need at both ends of their bus ride to school.
Lastly, I'd like to personally welcome Soula Dedes to the role of assistant-principal at Dela hey. Soula and I have worked together extensively before and I'm really pleased to have her here at Dela hey to support our staff and students. I hope everyone enjoys watching me slowly destress as Soula steps into the role. I'm anticipating all these grey beard hairs will take a little while to go back to their natural colour.
Mr Dan Sullivan
Campus Principal