Wellbeing - Middle School

Etiquette Never Goes Out of Fashion
Times have certainly changed, and etiquette rules may evolve, however there are some that withstand the test of time, and rightly so, should never go out of fashion. So, as I walk around the College at break times greeting students, I am often extremely impressed with many of the students that display the following behaviours.
Making eye contact: During in-person conversations, good eye contact shows you’re listening, helps build rapport, and shows that you value and respect the person with whom you’re talking.
Stand for a greeting: As I move through and talk to students shaking hands while greeting them seated at their lunch tables, I am genuinely impressed with the students that stand up to greet me. Standing shows respect for the other person and helps you be on the same level.
Addressing adults as Mr, Sir, Ms, or Mrs: I often see students greeting teachers and any other members of the public and showing manners and respect by being formal rather than casual.
Saying hello as people walk past: Often, I will walk past students who always greet and say hello with a smile on their face. It is a wonderful and simple gesture that speaks to inclusion.
Holding the door for others: Our staff are often carrying multiple bags, worksheets, laptops and generally busy getting around our extensive College grounds to get to the next class. I see plenty of boys assisting by offering a lending hand.
Saying “please” “thank you” and “excuse me”: It goes without saying, these are very simple. We are all in a rush, but so many of our students don’t forget life’s simple gestures.
I commend your sons and I ask that you please continue to discuss these important etiquette gestures with them as we work together to ensure the young men that leave St Patrick’s College are well equipped to operate effectively, genuinely and as gentlemen.
Alexandros Sinadinos
Director of Middle School