For the Holidays

As the term comes to an end you might be wondering what you can do in the holidays to keep the ball rolling with literacy?  Well, as it turns out, the world is your oyster!  Or if oysters aren’t your thing… Salada.  Did someone say games?  I Spy, Scrabble, Boggle, Wordle, Scattegories and Spot It are some great options, just to name a few.  There’s nothing like having fun and building literacy skills at the same time.

Let’s not forget some good old-fashioned reading.  Hit up some book stores or fire up the Kindle.  Maybe its time to blow the dust off an old favourite or find something new that’s so good you don’t want to put it down.  Maybe you’ve watched a movie and there’s the old ‘book that came first’ scenario.  Why not check it out?  Don’t forget that instructions, recipes, procedures, articles and encyclopedias are all rich reading material.

Journals, reviews, letters, messages, cards, stories, comics, memes, songs and poems are some great ways to dabble in some holiday writing.  When is the last time you wrote a letter for a neighbour or friend and chucked it in their letterbox?  Maybe you’re really getting into music and want to dabble with writing some lyrics!  A journal that caters for a daily debrief or just practising being grateful is also an option that’s good for the soul.

What will Sam and Louise be doing?  We are having a competition to see how many other literacy-based ideas we can find in the holidays.  How many will you find?