Imagine the world as a giant patchwork quilt, where each person is a colourful piece of fabric. Just like in a quilt, we are all stitched together to create something beautiful and strong. Here at Dana Street Primary we might look different or come from different places; we are all important parts of this big quilt called DSPS. When we help each other and treat each other with kindness, empathy and love it's like adding more stitches to make the quilt even stronger. So, remember, we are all woven together in this world, and together, we can create something truly amazing!


Students ranging from Foundation to grade 6 embarked on a creative journey, starting with painting various skin tones to shape their love hearts. Next, they intricately interlaced the colours together, finishing off with a negative space surrounding the woven heart, resulting in a beautiful and meaningful artistic expression of unity and diversity.


Henry V (1/2D) says “We shouldn’t judge people by their outsides”.


Greta C (3/4B) says “We are all weaved together; everyone is equal”.


Matilda (FB) “The love heart means that you have to be kind to people”.