P&C News

P&C President's Report
Hello BPS Community!
What a lovely celebration of Harmony Day we had on Thursday. Thank you to all families who came in to share their cultures with our kids. It just goes to show how diverse and precious our little community is and how accepting and welcoming of a school we have. Every student should be proud of their family and their traditions, and it was lovely to see students enjoy this day.
The P&C is running their famous Easter raffle, it's always great to have a little bit of extra chocolate in the house around Easter. Please support the P&C in this great fundraiser.
We are also running a Mother's Day stall in early term 2. Please let me know if there is anyone out there that can help run the store.
The next meeting and AGM will be held on Monday May 20th, term 2, week 4.
Have a great week,
Tasanee Alam
P&C President