Principal's Report

Principal's Message
As many of you will know, we funded an extra class to begin this year, this reduced class numbers for Years 3-6. This has turned out to be a great decision with more enrolments coming since the start of the year.
To create this extra class we brought Nathan Pike, our Mathematics Instructional Leader back onto class in order to be able to finance the class. Mr Pike has been sharing this class with Mrs Watt. As a result of the increased enrolments being maintained we have now received the funding for the extra class. This means that Mrs Watt will now be the full time teacher of 4/5 WP and Mr Pike will go back to his Instructional Leadership position full time. Mr Pike will still maintain a regular presence with the class on Fridays but Mrs Watt will now be the point of contact for our 4/5 WP families. This will increase the consistency of delivery for this class.
Thank you to Mrs Watt for making yourself available 5 days per week. Mrs Watt is a fantastic teacher and I am very confident that this transition will be smooth.
Kindy 2025
Our Kindergarten 2025 enrolment process has commenced. We will have a "Come and Look" day on the 20th June from 12.30pm until 1.30pm. Orientation this year will commence in Term 3 Week 4. If you have a child that will be starting school next year please make sure you have the following when submitting your child's application to enrol:
* Proof of student residential address
* Birth Certificate or identity document
* Immunisation History Statement (copy from MyGov please)
You may enrol by going to our school's web page ( and completing your application online by downloading the enrolment form. Alternatively you may call by the school office and get a printed enrolment form.
Please submit your enrolment form as soon as possible to assist us with teacher and class organisation for next year.
Boambee Public School - Harmony Day
Thank you to the parents and students who shared their cultural heritage with us last week for Harmony Day. This learning is so valuable, we appreciate the support you gave to our school today.
Boambee Public School - Working Bee
Wed 27th March 2024
4:30 PM
Thank you to those people who have put their name down for the working bee so far. If you can spare some time - please follow the link below. We will provide a sausage sizzle and supervision for school aged children.
Working Bee Survey Link:
Principal's Awards
Ned O'Sullivan - 2/3B
Being a leader of learning in 2/3B
Ahki George - KH
Ahki has been working on displaying a positive and eager attitude when faced with learning challenges.
Saoirse Scrivener - 3ML
Always working to the best of her ability and being a positive role model for the rest of the class.
Freddie Graves - 1L
Outstanding commitment to his learning.
Oden Laurie - 2/3B
Oden is working hard every day to have a positive day and achieve in his learning.
Bodhi Heather - 5BG
Persistently challenging himself in many areas.
Attila Sullivan - 6G
Attila is always engaged in class, consistently offering ideas and answers. He is resilient - always giving everything his best try, even if he's not sure. He is also always polite and considerate of others.
Cooper Phemister - 6D
Outstanding effort and improvement in home learning.
River Maynard - KW
River has been working hard to challenge herself during phonic lessons.
Mohammad (Talhah) Mohd Izuani - 4M
A wonderful, hard working member of the class.
Willow Nolan - 3N
Always looking out for others and helping them out.
Elsa Millhouse - 4/5WP
For her positive and enthusiastic leadership in PBL groups.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.