Library & Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus

Our last day of Term and I think the entire school community can be immensely pleased with how successfully we have all embraced the beginning of a new year. Term 1 is always busy, we are getting to know our new students, there is much learning to do, there are new friends to make and challenges to overcome.  Well done everyone.

Last week we attended the Uniting Church Tuesday lunch with Mr. Nathan Ough and four fabulous Year 9 volunteers serving up a delicious meal that was prepared in our Boarder’s kitchen by the wonderful Michelle and Kylie.  Heartfelt thanks to you all for being involved with such love and enthusiasm.

Left to right – Taylor Jackson, Sydney Todd, Mr. Nathan Ough, Edie Kent and Annabel Anderson.
Just look at the joy on those beautiful faces
Left to right – Taylor Jackson, Sydney Todd, Mr. Nathan Ough, Edie Kent and Annabel Anderson.
Just look at the joy on those beautiful faces

Thankyou one and all for another excellent and lively school term in our beloved Library.


Stay awkward, brave and kind.

Ms. Maryanne Gustus 
