Principal's Report

Jonathan Rowe

Dear Parents and Carers,


I am continually impressed by our students and the way they have conducted themselves, in the classroom, at sports events, and in the school grounds. It makes me extremely proud to be part of our MSC community. Term 1 seems to become busier and busier as we fit more opportunities and experiences into the weeks. These opportunities create an environment that is rich and rewarding for our students and staff. 


Term 2 staffing changes

In Term 2, some necessary changes have been made to subjects and teachers. We continue to face staffing challenges and with Britney McInnes (PE/Health) moving to Geelong at the end of this term we are adjusting for the next. I appreciate the wonderful support of our community and the understanding of parents as we navigate these difficult times. I am confident that despite these challenges, continuity of learning will remain for our young people.


2025 Year 7 Enrolments

A reminder to families who are considering Monivae for their child, particularly if you already have siblings at the school, please prioritise completing the necessary enrolment documents. Monivae will be oversubscribed in Year 7, 2025 and there is no guarantee of a place if enrolments arrive late.


Holy Week

As Term 1 draws to a close we step into the sacred journey of Holy Week, a pivotal time on the Christian calendar. From the jubilant entry of Palm Sunday to the solemn Triduum comprising Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, we are propelled toward the transformative dawn of Easter Sunday. Throughout this profound observance, we traverse moments of shadow and light, contemplating the Last Supper's message of love and sacrifice. Good Friday, in particular, invites solemn reflection as we honour Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. These days beckon us to consider our own paths and contributions to the world. Through the miracle of resurrection we are all granted a fresh start. Amidst the customary symbols of Easter eggs and leisure, let us not forget the deeper significance of this season. May this Easter season be a time of abundant blessings, a moment to pause and rediscover the timeless relevance of the Easter story in our lives.


Easter Prayer

God, may we feel the warm embrace of your love this sacred day. 

May the glory of Jesus’s resurrection remind us that with you, nothing is

Impossible or without hope.



May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere Loved  Forever


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart  Pray for us



I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break.


Mr. Jonathan Rowe
