Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Country Fair 


A huge shout out to our hard working P&C and Country Fair Committee. At the Eglinton P&C meeting last night it was voted on by the P&C Committee to donate $26,000 to our school. The Country Fair made a total of $26205.70 profit. This was a record profit over the last 7 years. 


On the day of the Fair, we had 31 market stalls and the amazing donations of chocolates, soft drinks and cakes from our students added to the takings on the day. The BBQ was a sell out and we had a record number of volunteers helping out. 


The Country Fair is a fabulous community event. Thank you to all who coordinated the day, supported throughout the day, made donations and everyone who visited our fair. Now we need to decide how we will spend the money, I will keep you all informed.


Student Wellbeing Matrix


Staff have been working on updating our Minor and Major Student Wellbeing Matrix. The updates to the Matrix are in line with the Department of Education's new Student Behaviour policy,  and our new school expectations of being Safe Respectful Learners. We would love you all to have a read and give us any feedback. 

This document is a guide to support staff on how to deal with behaviours of concern. We will also be speaking to the Student Leadership Team and asking for their feedback, and students from K-6 will be introduced to the Matrix in classes.


Lego Donation


The donations to our school keep rolling in. A big thank you to Kye Lonard and his family for the generous donation of a massive tub of Lego for the library. The students are thoroughly enjoying their lunch play times and have all been following our school expectations of being safe and respectful.