Parents & Friends

was Coming Soon - Colour Fun Run!!
The Parents & Friends group are helping the school to organise one last super fun event to celebrate the end of the school year!
We are planning a Colour Fun Run on Wednesday 18th December - the last day of school.
We will need parent volunteers on the day, start checking your schedules!
More details to come so watch this space!
Meeting New Families!
On Tuesday, the Parents & Friends met and chatted with the parents of 2025 preps! It was lovely to meet all the new families joining our school community!
Interested in getting involved?
P&F Reccos
Head along to the twilight market at Bendigo Showgrounds - Friday 6th December!
Enlighten at the Great Stupa is on Saturday 7th December - with carols, elves and an appearance from Santa!
Eaglehawk Christmas Carols are happening on Sunday 8th December!
Canterbury Park - 6pm-9pm
Recipe of the Week
Looking for an easy Christmas bake/gift idea? Try this Chocolate bark recipe.