Important Notices

School Saving Bonus - Update
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
From Tuesday 26 November 2024, you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
It is clear that, due to the sudden nature of the School Saving Bonus announcement by the State Government, the guidelines for exactly what families can use this bonus for, and how they can do this, are still being developed and clarified by the Education Department.
For this reason, our very strong advice to SKiPPS families is to hold off on allocating any of the bonus funds at this point via the portal. Instead we recommend sitting tight for now and waiting until clearer guidance and instructions are provided at the start of 2025.
Doing this will not affect your access to the funds - the $400 will simply sit in the portal ready to be spent next year when we can provide you with a clearer picture of how you can best allocate funds to pay for 2025 school camps, swimming, excursions or parent payments.
Mango Fundraiser - Delivery 26th November
For those families who placed an order for our 2024 Mango Fundraiser, these will be delivered to school next Tuesday 26th November.
We ask that people collect their mango trays from the Performing Arts room at pick-up time (3:15 - 3:45pm) on this day.
Due to our building works we are very short of storage space so would appreciate it if orders can be collected promptly as we have very limited room to hang on to them for any length of time.
Celebration of the Arts photos
How great was COTA?
Photos are now available online including all the COTA performances and rehearsals.
Galleries are grouped by performance and note photos are for personal use only (do not share online).
COTA on your Wall
Get your COTA keepsake! This fun photographic memento is a 40 cm x 30 cm print in either framed or unframed versions. A panorama of your child's year level performance above your favourite 3 photos.
COTA Keepsake: 40 cm x 30 cm framed - $179
COTA Keepsake: 40 cm x 30 cm unframed - $99
Packs & Digital
Print pack: 3x 5"x7" - $30
Print and Digital pack: 1x 8"x12", 2x 5"x7" plus 2 digital files. - $75
Digital pack: 3 images - $50
The “cut off” to order your photos is Thursday 5th December, in time for Christmas.
For any queries please contact our photographer:
e: m: 0405 478 878
w: p: PO Box 2066 St Kilda West 3182
Dog sitter required
Due to some upcoming overseas travel, our beautiful school wellbeing dog Henderson is looking for a home for the period immediately after Christmas until the 9th January.
Henderson is a well trained (most of the time...) Miniature Schnauzer who is very calm and gets along very well with other dogs and people of all sizes.
If you might be interested in having an extra family member for a couple of weeks, please send me an email at to find out a bit more.