Parents and Friends Association  

Thank you to all our brilliant book sale and uniform volunteers

Thank you for your time and support for this year's second hand book and uniform sales. It was a mammoth effort and the biggest fundraising event for the year. The savings for our Koonung families and positives for environmental sustainability are an absolute bonus. 

Special shout out to Zoe, Megan, Louise (booksale coordinators) and Mayna/Sophia (uniform coordinators) as these events could not run without all your hard work behind the scenes.


**Please note the second hand uniform shop volunteers have kindly offered to open for a couple of hours on Wednesday 22 January from 10am to 12 noon. 



Andy Bee  

PFA president 


Stay in contact and connect with other parents through WhatsApp!


The 2025 WhatsApp Groups have been updated and are available for parents and carers' to join their respective year level/(s). If you would like to join, please click on the relevant link below. If you are already in your year level WhatsApp group/(s), then you don't need to do anything as this will simply move with you throughout your Koonung life! If you are not yet part of your child's year level group chat but would like to be, then this is a great way to connect with other families and bring our amazing school community together!!


2025 Year 7 Families


2025 Year 8 Families


2025 Year 9 Parents


2025 Year 10 Parents


2025 Year 11 Parents


2025 Year 12 Parents


PFA News on WhatsApp

Keep up to date with PFA news and announcements by clicking this link


WeChat Community for Chinese Koonung Families

Stay connected with other Chinese families at Koonung by joining the WeChat group.  Please contact Peihoon Heng 0431615181 or her WeChat @Peihoon1, for the link to join the group.  


Become a Parent Representative for your year level!

The role of a Parent Representative needs no experience, just a willing spirit to facilitate parent connection in your student’s year level. You have the flexibility to organise coffee outings, dinners, a Sunday afternoon picnic or whatever you like doing! We generally recommend 2 representatives to support each other for your year level. The PFA will support and help facilitate any events you wish to organise. Please contact us via email to find out more!


Next PFA Meeting  - Monday 10 February 2025

PFA contact details: