Wellbeing update

Wellbeing @ KSC
Term 4 has been a busy one for the Wellbeing Team, with over 290 visits to our space this term alone!
While the students’ classes have ended, the Wellbeing Team is still hard at work, reviewing our processes and programs and planning for how to make 2025 an even more successful and supportive one for our young people.
This year has seen the Wellbeing Team offer the following programs:
Breakfast Club
Wellbeing Wednesdays
Study and Snack
Peaceful Teens
Study without Stress
Teen Mental Health First Aid
We also employed a number of external providers to present on topics for all year levels that covered topics including:
Consent/Respectful Relationships
Responsible Gambling
How to Manage Stress
How to look after your mates
How to prepare for your future
We look forward to implementing even more programs in 2025. We are very lucky to have access to Mental Health Funds from the Victorian Government, allowing us to use a range of providers from the Mental Health Menu.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Koonung Secondary College has formed a Reconciliation Action Group. A Reconciliation Action Plan is a formal commitment to reconciliation. It documents how our school will strengthen relationships, respect and opportunities in the classroom, around the school and with the community. The Reconciliation Action Group was formed to create the RAP and meets approximately three times a term. The group are in the process of planning actions that can be taken to fulfill our commitment to reconciliation. We are fortunate to have very passionate and enthusiastic staff who also welcome input and ideas from our community. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Kate O’Keefe (Kate.Okeefe@education.vic.gov.au)
The Christmas season, while often associated with joy and celebration, can also be a challenging time for some. While many anticipate festive gatherings and gift-giving, others may experience feelings of loneliness, stress, or anxiety. If you are concerned about your child over the school break, there are a number of services available that can be utilised. These include:
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 (or visit their website for online assistance at https://kidshelpline.com.au
Headspace Box Hill - 9810 9310 or visit online at https://headspace.org.au
Parents can call Parentline for advice – 13 22 89
Please remember that our door is open, and we are here to support all students. You can visit any of us in the wellbeing space or contact us on our email accounts through your school email.
Kate O’Keefe – Director of Wellbeing - Kate.OKeefe@education.vic.gov.au
Emily Ridgwell – Mental Health Practitioner - Emily.Ridgwell@education.vic.gov.au
Eryn Tyler – School Counsellor - Eryn.Tyler@education.vic.gov.au
Phillipa Ziegenhardt – School Counsellor - Phillipa.Zeigenhardt@education.vic.gov.au
Liz Senior – Student Wellbeing Officer - elizabeth.senior@education.vic.gov.au
Support services for students, parents and carers
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a restful break. See you in 2025!
The Wellbeing Team
Hawthorn Community Chest
Koonung Secondary College would like to take the opportunity to thank Hawthorn Community Chest for their generosity in supporting a number of our students.
Who are Hawthorn Community Chest?
Hawthorn Community Chest (HCC) is a network of residents and business people who live and work within the local government area of Boroondara. They work to help local people who may be struggling financially through their grants programs. HCC has been operating since 1958 and is an independent, registered charity. They are a volunteer committee, supported by a part-time office manager and work with and through established care providers, charities and schools to support local people.
Education Grants
HCC have been providing Education Grants to secondary school students living in the City of Boroondara for the last seven years. The grants assist with school books, uniforms, MYKI cards, school camps and laptops. The Education Grants program aims to make it easier for children who are in necessitous circumstances to attend school and be able to participate more fully in school life by allowing them access to education-based items and activities that may otherwise be unaffordable to their families.
The Education Grant program does not have any academic or excellence requirements. If a family needs financial assistance, then they are eligible.
In 2025 HCC will be supporting 21 students across 8 secondary schools.