Physical Education

Congratulations to all our students who represented the school at the recent STCPSSA Athletics Carnival. It was particularly pleasing to see some of our relay teams pick up some ribbons as these teams worked hard in the lead up to improve their baton passing. Relay races are not always about the fastest runners. It is all about how fast the baton makes it round the track or through the team to the finish line. Teamwork and practice is very helpful for success. Well done to our runners for working hard as a team and making it happen.
We have been lucky to have Nicole Rossen along to take dance in PE for our Prep to 2 students. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the dance lessons. Nicole is a Teacher Assistant at our school and she also has her own Dance School. The students responded to Nicole’s enthusiasm and love of dance and movement and came away with some new dance movements. Many thanks Nicole for some very enjoyable lessons.
A special thank you to all our wonderful Teacher Assistants who have been encouraging students to try alternative activities in PE classes when the class activity might be a bit much for them. The aim of the game is participation for all and we encourage this outside of school as well. What sport or physical activity do you as a parent like and why do you like it? Have a chat about this with your children and see if you have similar interests.
Mrs Andrews
PE Teacher