Wurrin News - Year 9

email:   year9@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4800

Headstart Year 7, 8, 9,10 (2024) to Year 8, 9, 10, 11 (2025)Monday 2nd December 
Whole School Presentation EveningThursday 12th December

Farewell Year 9 students

2024 started off strong in our Hub and our students continued to grow and flourish throughout the year. 


This year the NAPLAN testing period was earlier than in past. Our students approached the tests with a great attitude, and this was reflected in the outstanding achievements. The results are a testament to their hard work and dedication.


Throughout the year, our cohort has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to our school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. In 2024 our Year 9 students have developed strong connections, respectful behaviours and have taken increased responsibility for their physical space.  Their positive attitudes and behaviours have contributed to a supportive and inclusive learning environment.


Our students have also provided strong voice to our College through their appointed students leaders.  Our year level leaders have led our assemblies and organised an amazing lunch for our Top 20 academic achievers.  It has been wonderful to watch our year level leaders grow throughout the year.


Year 9 Assembly led by our student leaders
Top 20 lunch
Year 9 Assembly led by our student leaders
Top 20 lunch


Our dedicated careers team for Year 8 and 9, has been instrumental in providing valuable guidance and support to our students. From exploring career pathways to assisting with job-ready applications both on and off-site, the careers team has played a vital role in helping our students make informed decisions about their future. Work experience, white card and work safe modules are just some of the many career-type supports available to our students.


As we bid farewell to the Year 9 group moving into their senior years of education, we want to express our heartfelt wishes for their future endeavours. We are confident that they will carry their achievements and the values they have embraced with them. 


We’re here to support you every step of the way whether it’s making new friends, navigating new subjects or discovering your passions. 


Stay safe and take care!

Celebrating Christmas in German

Students in Year 9 have spent their last few sessions exploring all that is Christmas in Germany. 

All the possibilities.....

Donation of second-hand uniform  

Our hub would greatly appreciate any donations of second-hand uniform that students are no longer using or have outgrown.  Thank you.