Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Headstart Year 7, 8, 9, 10 (2024) to Year 8, 9, 10, 11 (2025)Monday 2nd December 
Whole School Presentation EveningThursday 12th December

Buchan Caves and Lakes Entrance trip

On Monday 25th November, 50 Year 8 students had an excursion to visit the Buchan Caves and the Lakes Entrance Surf Life Saving Club. At the Buchan Caves, students had a guided tour of the caves.  Accompanied by tour guides, students learnt about the cave's history, the intricate formations, and the role of environment in ensuring the preservation of the caves.


At the Lakes Entrance Surf Life Saving Club students learnt about Surf Life Saving and how to get involved in volunteering in rural communities.


A great day was had by staff and students!

2024 review

Our theme for 2024 was'Resilience'. We focused on creating a community within our Hub where everyone can thrive by having respect and responsibility for each other.


This year we saw the return of our Student Representative Council.  Congratulations to our leaders Maali, David, Lisa, Emma and Sherry who have done a great group representing the Year 8 students and have led our assemblies enabling our cohort to have a strong student voice.


As part of reconciliation week this year in May some of the Year 8 students visited The Keeping Place with Mr. Roberts and Megan from our Hub. Students had the opportunity to ask Rob Hudson from The Keeping Place questions and heard some inspiring and impactful stories.



Students also started work on a canvas that will be unveiled in our Hub next year for Reconciliation Week.  The canvas has been worked on by many students across our College and we look forward to seeing the final piece.

In September we had our Resilience camp and wow is the best way to describe it!


Students participated in workshops conducted by the Reach Foundation that focused on building respect and resilience.  In addition to the workshops students had the opportunity to abseil, canoe, and tackle obstacle courses.  The camp was an unforgettable experience filled with memories that will last a lifetime.


2024 has been a year where we have seen our Year 8 students thrive and embrace all the opportunities that were presented. We are so proud of their achievements and we look forward to seeing what you achieve as Year 9 students.  Well done on an amazing year.  We are proud and you should be too!

Celebrating Christmas in German

Students in Year 8 have spent their last few sessions exploring all that is Christmas in Germany. 

Donation of second-hand uniform  

Our hub would greatly appreciate any donations of second-hand uniform that students are no longer using or have outgrown.  Thank you.

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