Religious Education
November: Month for Souls
The month of November for the Church is dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory, whose feast is celebrated on November 2. The entire month of November falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. The last portion of the liturgical year represents the time of our pilgrimage to heaven during which we hope for reward. The last Sunday, which marks the beginning of Advent, the liturgical color changes to purple, representing a time of penance.
-Taken from Catholic Culture: for more information see
The widow's offering
Unpacking the Scriptures
In this Sunday's Gospel of Mark, Jesus is in the temple, the Jewish place of worship and where people would go to learn about God from the priests and scribes (Jewish religious leaders). In the temple people offered sacrifices to the priests such as animals or money as part of their prayer to God. Jesus noticed that over time the priests and scribes had become greedy and selfish, caring more about their power and knowledge than God or serving others.
In the temple, Jesus sees a poor widow give all her savings as a sacrifice offered to God. A widow is someone who has lost their husband or wife. This woman would have no one to look after her and was probably begging for money and food on the street. Jesus praises the widow infront of everyone at the temple and compares her to the scribes. They gave more money but it was easy for them because they had so much that they’d hardly notice. The widow gave everything with her generous heart and trusted that God would provide for her. Jesus showed the same generosity when he died on the cross for us. How do we show our generosity and trust in God?
Family Connection
This Gospel story reminds us of our own family’s financial contributions to our parish community, Church-sponsored organisations, and other charitable organisations. Stewardship invites us to be generous with our finances as well as our time and talent. However, decisions about charitable giving can at times be made without our children’s knowledge. We teach more when we invite all family members to be aware of how we contribute to our Church and to other charitable organisations. Do you know how that money is making an impact in the lives of others or your own community?
Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel Mark 12:41-44. Discuss how Jesus observes about the generosity of the poor widow. When we give, Jesus doesn't count the quantity, but the quality - that can be of our money but also time and actions in serving others. Talk about ways in which your family might also make a sacrificial gift to support your parish or other charitable organisations. Conclude in prayer together asking God to help your family be generous like the poor widow in today’s Gospel.
Loving Jesus,
Thank You for showing me what generosity looks like. At times it’s easy for me to focus on things that don’t matter. I surrender to Your will, trusting in You completely. Change the way I think, and give me a generous heart. Make me aware of the things I have, and how I can use them to serve others. Help me to live a life that blesses others just as You have richly blessed me.
God bless,
India Mitchell-Fletcher
Religious Education Leader