Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

The students have now completed their oral presentations on an endangered Australian animal and we have been thoroughly impressed by the work students have done in preparing for them. Thank you for your assistance with these. 


Zoo Snoozes:

Our Zoo Snoozes will begin next week!

Please ensure that your child’s Medical Information Form has been returned to their classroom teacher. Thank you to everyone for returning their forms as soon as possible. 

Reminder: Any medications will need to be handed to your child’s classroom teacher when you arrive at the zoo. All medication must be given to the teacher-in-charge. Containers must be labelled with your child’s name, the dose to be taken as well as when and how it should be taken. The medications will be kept by the staff and distributed as required. 

Zoo Snooze Dates:

  • Monday – 2nd December – 3W
  • Tuesday – 3rd December – 3B
  • Wednesday – 4th December – 3M

**The students will attend school on the day as normal and are to be dropped off outside the main entrance of the Melbourne Zoo at 6.00 PM where they will be greeted by their class teacher. Students will spend the following day at the Melbourne Zoo and return to school by bus in time for normal school pick up. 

Please refer to the note that was sent home a couple of weeks ago with important details and containing information about what the students need to pack.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher.


Willy Games:

Last Tuesday November 19th, all the students from Prep through to Grade 6 spent the day doing some fantastic activities and competing for house points during the Willy Games! After lunch, students participated in ‘Kaboom Kid Sports’ who put on a multi-age Extravaganza with unique sports and activities. The student had a fabulous time! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Paddy, our P.E. teacher, for organising the day.


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus:

Reading: Comparing and contrasting different texts while reading to improve comprehension.

Writing:  Planning, drafting, and editing an information report about an imaginary animal. 

Numeracy: Students will be learning to identify angles as measures of turns, compare angle sizes in everyday situations and compare sizes of angles created. Revision and assessment of a variety of mathematical concepts for reporting purposes.


Inquiry: Endangered Species- What Can We Do? Completing a report and making a poster about a local endangered animal to help spread the word to protect them. Preparation for our Zoo Snoozes!


Homework: Literacy: - 15-20 minutes of reading daily. 10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus or personal words.

Numeracy: 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Keep working on times tables recall.


Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).