Year One Team News

with Anna, Zoe, Edan & Claire

Hello Year One families,

This term is certainly flying by! Last Tuesday, students took part in the Willy Games. It was fantastic to see their positive attitudes and the fantastic sportsmanship they showed as they ran, jumped and tried their hardest for their houses. We have also been enjoying the warmer weather which is allowing us to eat outside together more regularly, as well as providing the opportunity to take some of our lessons outside. Below are some photos of 1D out on their hunt for 3D objects during maths last week.


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 9-10

Reading: We have now finished the Little Learners Love Literacy program. The next few weeks we will be looking at simple poetry and responding to texts. 

Writing: As we begin to wrap up the year, the grade ones are revising skills including upleveling vocabulary and editing for proper punctuation while exploring popular mentor texts.

Numeracy: We will be focusing on revising the maths topics we have covered this term and during the year. 

Inquiry:  Our topic this term is ‘What Makes Things Move?’ and have been exploring the different forces used to make things move. This week students painted their shoeboxes and next week they will complete their own moving toy. 

Willy Kids/Respectful Relationships: The Willy Kids focus is “Willy Kids are Ambitious” where students will be discussing what it means to be an ambitious, independent learner. Our focus for Respectful Relationships this term is “Stress Management”. We have been learning about ways that we can calm ourselves down when feeling stressed or worried.


Warm regards,

The Grade One Team –  Zoe Kitchen & Anna Swan (1K), Edan Bacegga (1B) & Claire Davies (1D)