Paddock to Plate

In Design and Technology, year 5/6 students in Block 14 have been working on a Paddock to Plate assignment. We learnt about where the food we eat comes from, how it is grown, how it is made and what process it has to go through to become the product. We completed a series of assignments about different foods and where they came from.


For the final assessment, we all chose a dish to write about and created a slideshow on how the food was made, where it came from and listed the ingredients featured in our chosen dish.


On Monday the 18th of November, we all brought in our dish of choice which we had made over the weekend to share with the class. Before lunch, everyone went around to each other's desks to try something new. 


It was a very successful and fun ending to our Paddock to Plate assignment.


Written by Arielle B

Year 6 student