What's happening in Italian

With Signora Di Petta


In Italian lessons, the Prep students have been exploring how to express their likes and dislikes, both orally and in written form. They have been learning to use the sentence starters "Mi piace..." (I like...) and "Non mi piace..." (I don't like...) to share their preferences with the class. This engaging activity has helped them build confidence in speaking and writing in Italian, while also encouraging them to interact with their peers and express their individual tastes in a fun and creative way.


Year 1/2

The students in Year 1/2 have been engaged in an exciting unit of work exploring the concept of ‘family’. Through a captivating story that highlights the importance of the extended family in the Italo-Australian way of life, the students have been encouraged to reflect on their own family structures and draw comparisons. The unit provided opportunities for the students to use both familiar and new language related to family members, including Italian terms. They had fun drawing pictures of their families and labelling them with the Italian names for parents, siblings, grandparents, and other relatives. This hands-on approach helped deepen their understanding of family while also connecting them to their cultural heritage.


Year 3/4

The Year 3/4 students are exploring the fascinating country of Italy through a unit focused on its iconic landmarks and cultural heritage. They are discovering some of Italy's most beautiful and unique sights, from the Colosseum in Rome to the canals of Venice, while also learning about the country's traditions and history. To reinforce their learning, the students have been singing the lively song "Andiamo in Italia", which not only celebrates Italy's wonders but also helps them practise key Italian vocabulary and phrases. 



Year 5/6

The students in Year 5/6 have been busy writing letters to pen pals as part of their language learning journey. The letters were written entirely in Italian, with each student sharing information about themselves, their families, pets, friends, hobbies, and interests. This activity not only helped students practise their Italian writing skills, but also provided a fun and meaningful way to connect with others while exploring different aspects of language and culture!