Fun At the Front Desk 

with Mel, Jen & Lisa 

School Savings Bonus


By now most of you will have received your unique code.

This is a Department of Education and Training initiative and we have attached the information they have provided to us for parents. 

Where possible we will assist you with any inquiries you may have but just to clarify this money cannot be used towards bookpacks and curriculum contributions.

The vouchers can be accessed for uniform purchases or you can nominate amounts to be used towards school activities.

Please be careful with your allocations as once you have elected an amount to transfer this cannot be reversed.

Vouchers for uniforms eg. Year 6 TShirts, can be applied at the checkout stage of purchase online with PSW.


Parent Contributions & Book Packs


Just a reminder that the 2025 book packs and parent contributions have been posted on Compass under Events - Action Centre.

If you would like to pay this in installments please action before the 1st payment is due out by 13th December.

There is 2 options for installments: 

Semesterly: 13/12/2024 & 27/06/2025

Quarterly: 13/12/24, 28/03/2025, 27/06/2025 & 12/09/2025


Compass Upcoming Events

  • Year 1 Lord Somers Incursion Consent & $18 Payment due by 4th December 
  • Year 6 Bike Ed Local Excursion consent due by 4th December
  • Year 4 & 5 Bike Ed Local Excursion consent due by 11th December
  • Year 6 Celebration Excursion consent due by 11th December
  • Order Grade 6 tops directly through PSW before 11th December

Extended Absence


If you are planning an extended leave of absence (Over 5 days) for your student please email the school on as early as possible to allow for us to process this and get an absence learning plan completed for your student.

Also any unexplained absences please update via your Compass App or contact the office to update.


Unexplained Absence


Please if you could update your child's absences on compass before the end of the year that would be appreciated. 

You can do this by clicking on the 3 lines that say more at the bottom right of the app - then clicking on the Attendance Tile - Then click on the Unexplained tab at the bottom right and action.



Any new medications please make sure a medication form is filled out and handed in with the medication or if any plans need to be updated with medication please let us know.



Updating Information

 It is very important that the school have your most updated information and that when these details change that you notify the school in writing by email. 

  • Have you moved House?
  • Have you changed occupation and or jobs ?
  • Does your school have your current mobile numbers or email ?
  • Do you need to update your emergency contacts for your child?
  • Have you Separated?
  • If you are not planning to continue at Somerville Primary School in 2025 please advise us via email so we can plan our classes.

If any of these apply please email the office on or call us on 59775421 so we can update your details, Thank you.


Supervised Yard Duty Times

Important Reminder

The School Yard is supervised from 8:40am in the morning and until 3:30pm, please make sure you adhere to these drop off and pick up times to ensure the safety of your children.


2nd Hand Uniform


Please feel free to look at our 2nd hand uniform, ask in the office and we can get the correct Size tubs out for you to look through.  All clothes sold for a gold coin donation.

Also if you have outgrown any we are getting low and would happily take donations.


Don't forget to clearly label the uniform


Lost Property 


Lost Property is located near the door opposite the staff room in the main building, please feel free to come and check if you are missing something and also valuable lost property is at the office.