Catholic Identity
Catholic Identity Leader: Miss Eliza McNamara
Catholic Identity
Catholic Identity Leader: Miss Eliza McNamara
Yesterday we welcomed Joan Coldwell to St Joseph’s on behalf of Catholic Education Sandhurst to conduct our Catholic Identity Review. Thank you to all staff, students and Fr Caldow for taking time out of their day to provide feedback on our spaces, resources, teaching & learning, and opportunities offered to all.
Some of our strengths that were highlighted included staff & students' participation in prayer, the positive relationships that have been built and fostered with all members of our community and the support that as a school we work towards helping others.
Areas we will be committed to working towards include gathering more regularly as a community to celebrate through masses and liturgies, updating and incorporating more contemporary symbols/artwork/images throughout the school to represent the school's history, and providing more opportunities to explore scripture.
Remembrance Day Liturgy
We hope to see as many community members as possible as our senior students lead everyone in a Remembrance Day liturgy.