Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you had a lovely extra-long weekend with the Curriculum Day and Melbourne Cup Day providing for a 4-day weekend. The staff worked on Monday, focusing on learning about Functions of Behaviour, so that we have the necessary skills to support and respond to student behaviour. We have been working on this throughout the year and the Department of Education has recently released some resources for staff around this. We took the opportunity to investigate these and review our current structures.
Intensive School Support/School Review:
We are currently involved in an intensive review with people from the Department to investigate ways we can improve the results we are getting across the school. Over 3 days the team is looking at how we work, asking questions or students, staff and parents/carers, to identify the area that will help us the most. They are observing classes, looking at our curriculum documentation, and asking lots of questions to get an accurate picture of our school. I look forward to hearing their views and incorporating their suggestions to ensure we are able to provide the best learning opportunities for our students. If you would like to talk to the Reviewers they will be available next THURSDAY 14th November from 8.45am – 9.00am and 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please let the office know and we will be sure to connect you with them.
Premier’s Christmas Card Competition:
All children have the opportunity to submit an entry for this competition. The Hon Jacinta Allan MP, Premier of Victoria, is looking for Christmas-inspired artwork to include in the Christmas card she will send to Victorians this year. Children aged 12 and under can submit a drawing or painting that shows their Christmas experience. There is no criteria, so please get as creative as you like. To submit an entry, you should send your artwork by either:
- Email:
- Post: Office of the Premier, 1 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002.
Please also include your name, suburb and contact details. Good luck!
Prep Enrolments for 2025:
If you have a child in preschool, or is turning 5 before 30th April 2020, we are accepting enrolments for Prep 2025. Please call the office for details and to book an appointment with a member of the Principal Class team. If you have family or friends with children who should start school next year, please encourage them to contact the school for a Prep Enrolment Pack and a tour. The 2025 Prep Transition Program will commence in November. If they are enrolled by then they will be invited to be part of this wonderful experience.
Prep Transition Program:
The 2025 Prep Transition Program will commence next month. All families with children enrolled to start Prep in 2025 should have already received an invitation if they have enrolled. The dates are:
- Wednesday 13th November 10:00am – 10:50am
- Wednesday 20th November 10:00am – 10:50am
- Wednesday 27th November 10:00am – 10:50am
- Tuesday 10th December 9:30am – 10:45am. (Children will meet their teacher for 2025 on this day)
Whilst these sessions are occurring for the children, parents are encouraged to stay on-site and hear about the wonderful programs our school has to offer, as well as how to help prepare your child for their first year of school. These sessions will also have guest speakers such as the School Nursing Service, our Out of Home Care service and much more. We look forward to meeting you and your child during these sessions.
2025 Plans:
We will be beginning the process of forming new class grouping for 2025 over the next few weeks. In order to know how many classes we will have, we need to know if there are any children not returning in 2025. Please contact the office to let us know if you know your child will not be returning in 2025 for any reason so we can plan accordingly. If you are unsure of the new school that is okay, we do not need to know that information now. This is also important because your child might be the allocated person for another child in their 2025 class and if they are not attending, their friend may find themselves without a buddy in their class in 2025.
Year 6/7 Orientation Day:
On Tuesday 10th December, all year 6 students attending a government school in Year 7 will participate in the state-wide Year 7 Orientation Day. However, some students may need additional time to help them feel ready for secondary school. If you feel your child needs additional support, please speak to your child’s teacher and we will arrange additional visits.
Mobile Phones:
It is a state-wide Education Department Policy that any students who bring a mobile phone or smart watch to school, they must sign them in at the office at the start of the day and collect them at the end of the day. Please remind your children of these expectations.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa