Dear OLHC Families and Community.
As you may have heard over the last week, OSHClub will not be running the before and after school care program at OLHC next year. They will be running a school holiday program up until the 22nd of January and as of Term 1, there will be a new company called MACSEYES taking over the service.
I have been the program coordinator at OLHC OSHClub since November 2023 and throughout that time I have been able to build amazing connections with the school, families and children. I have been privileged enough to see your children grow and develop over the last year. This is why I am so thankful that I can now announce that I will be coordinating at OLHC next year with MACSEYE.
MACSEYE is run by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, and they are new to providing before and after school care. So while there will be a bit of a transition with changing companies, I hope that seeing a familiar face will help this transition. This will mean that families will have to enrol their child/children into MACSEYE system, so please keep an eye on your emails over the upcoming school holidays. If there are any questions or queries please feel free to pop into the community centre.
Kind Regards,
Kate Trembath