Dance and Drama Faculty
From the Co-ordinator of Dance and Drama
Actors Centre Australia - Acting Workshop for Year 10 Elective Drama
By Erica and Tilly - Year 10 Elective Drama
On Friday the 1st of November, the Year 10 Elective Drama class participated in a theatrical workshop. Instructor Troy from the Actors Centre Australia accompanied by Dan (who is a second-year acting student) delivered a complimentary workshop to our Year 10 Elective Drama students.
This consisted of several activities to grow students vocal, physical and social elements in drama and performance, as they head into Senior School and the study of Senior Drama.
Students started the class by introducing themselves to the instructors Troy and Dan of which they then taught some very useful tips that students could use within their performances.
These activities included where students were split up into two teams and each team was given specific words. With the words given, you would go against your partner and argue that your word was correct/more important, demonstrating that there are always two or more arguments within an act and that each actor has to have a goal or an objective to reach, therefore more than one side to a story, which we can all apply to our script and scene work.
Students were also led through various focus activities and imaginative exercises to help them with their performance focus and character representations on the stage.
The exercises and the instructor taught students to be interested in what they are participating in, because if they are not interested and focussed, it shows that to the audience. As soon as students became aware of the various exercises, and interested in them, they began to improve in the exercises and therefore began performing more focussed and well developed moments on the stage.
Overall, this was a beneficial workshop, that students were highly engaged in, and all were able to see the value in the exercises taught and how we can apply these to our class work.
Thank you to Ms Wenman and Mrs Tamatea for organising this valuable workshop for us.
We would also like to extend a very big thank you to the Actors Centre Australia, specifically Troy and Dan, for coming to our School and inspiring us through these drama activities.