Level 1: Connect

Hats must be worn this term! UV has been quite high already. No hat, no play. Students are more than welcome to leave their hats in their bag tubs at school if this helps.
What you can do at home
If you would like to help your child at home, you could choose from the following -
Writing - practise writing sentences with adjectives and adverbs.
Reading - It is recommended that year 1 students read for 5-10 mins every night.
Maths- Give Mathletics a go!!
Over the next fortnight students will be focusing on using personal connections to predicting, and visualising using the mentor text "Magic Beach". We will also be discussing the concept of making connections and how we often draw on our own experiences when reading and writing
- Text to text - A connection between two texts you have read.
- Text to self - A connection between the text and your own personal experience.
- Text to world - A connection between the text and events from around the world
Fabulous Sentences: Using adjectives and adverbs when writing sentences.
Developmental Play:
Students continue to enjoy the outdoors behind the JLC during Developmental Play this term thanks to the weather. Students are also loving the introduction of Christmas activities added to this time along with the usual activity stations for craft, science experiments, mindfulness, building blocks, etc.
Have a great fortnight!
Level 1 Team
Suzanne, Anthony (and Tommy), Leon, Nishtha