Problem of the Week
By Trudy Gau
Problem of the Week
By Trudy Gau
Congratulations to our winners of last week's problem. The winners will be announced at assembly on Monday.
What a fabulous Colour Run and what an amazing Fundraising effort! Have a go at solving one of our problems:
At 1 pm, our total funds raised was at $18 020.00
Mild: If we bought super fancy iPads with our money and they cost $1 000.00 each, how many iPads could we buy?
Medium: JB-HiFi is selling iPads
Can you round the cost of each iPad up to the nearest $100 and then use these figures to calculate the estimate cost if Sandy East decided to buy 2 of each of the laptops above.
Use a calculator to see if you can buy a number of the iPads above and get as close as possible to our raised total funds of $18 020.00. The goal is to get as close as possible to the total.