Specialist Happenings

In Mandarin class, our Grade 3/4 students are having a great time learning how to describe animals! They’ve been discovering ways to talk about an animal’s age, appearance, favourite foods, and personality—all in Chinese. Through fun and interactive activities, the students are expanding their vocabulary and gaining confidence in using descriptive language.
In this activity, each student will be challenged to write a short paragraph in Chinese based on a given animal description. This activity encourages them to put together everything they've learned, and it’s amazing to see their enthusiasm and creativity shine through as they bring these animals to life in a new language! Keep an eye out for some wonderful animal descriptions coming home soon!
You are all amazing!
你们真棒!(Nǐmen zhēn bàng)
Miss. Low
Physical Education
The junior years have been working on throwing, catching and dodging as we enter into small-sided games of gridiron. This game includes many of the fundamental movement skills taught, in particular running, throwing, catching and dodging. The senior school is continuing their gridiron unit with classes moving from skills to games of flag football. The games have started off very basic, with rules and modification being added to increase participation and skill development.
Level 5/6 house sport is 2 rounds in, with all students playing against other houses in their chosen sport. The results are close at the moment with the final round being held this Friday. We will then move to L4/5 sport, where students can try a sport, before choosing their 2025 interschool sport preferences in a couple of weeks.
Performing Arts
The show must go on! Book week can be a fraught time the performing arts room. While stories are at the heart of what we do, and colourful costumes are often employed, some costumes are more practical than others. That said it was amazing to see princesses, wizards, butterflies and all manner of characters joining in the drumming and acro-balance lessons.
Mr Scherpenhuizen
Visual Arts
It's been a busy few weeks in Visual Arts. The year 6 cohort have been busy working on their end of year legacy mural. It's definitely starting to come together. I jave been encouraging them to use a lot of colour to brighten up an otherwise dull area of the school grounds.
The grade 2s had some fun creating paintings to music last week. We listened to different styles of music and reflected on the paintings we created. As well as this we have started to create some Holiday cheer an create various decorations across the year levels.