Level 5: Connect
5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day
Level 5: Connect
5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day
As we are coming to the end of 2024, students are continuing to improve their Reading Fluency. Everyone has worked hard and embraced our Paired Reading with enthusiasim, and they continue to enjoy giving recieving feedback as they develop and become more proficient in their prosody.
Poetry has been the focus in our writing at the moment. We have explored different elements and identified tools for poetry. Students have started demonstating their learning and begun writing a Poem about a theme of their choice. This tied in beautifully with reading fluency, giving students an opportunity to read their writing to a partner and recieve feedback for both their writing and reading.
This cycle for Maths has seen students transforming 2D shapes, using transformations and reflections. We are beginning to wrap up the year by covering specific content students still need assistance in, based on assessment data. To begin, we are covering pattenr work with decimals, fractions and whole numbers.
North Melbourne STEAM
Level 5 have been given access to a sequence of 6 lessons published by the North Melbourne Football Club. So far, students have designed a new Arden St facility for the players, coaches and fan. This was a great way for students to think critically and holistically about how different facilities can improve player performance, training, well-being and recovery.
Dance Incursion
Students have been hard at work, rehearsing their 3 allocated dances for the Dance Showcase on Friday the 22nd of November. It has been great to see students stepping out of their comfort zones and getting involved. A highlight is seeing students in the yard practising their moves.
2025 School Leadership
Our school Leadership journey towards the election of student leaders for the 2025 school year is coming to a close. After weeks of learning content and activities based on exploring different types of leadership and what this requires of them, the students have now moved to the final phase of the program where they have studied the various roles available at SEPS in 2025. Many have decided that they want to take leadership opportunities further and have decided to nominate for the various positions. They are now busilly pro[aring speeches and getting feedback from their class teachers about these. In week 8 they will deliver these speeches to the studnets in Levels 4 and 5 as well as the Level 6 Leaders and teacher of the school. We wish them luck as they put themselves forward knowing that many will miss out. This is a process that also develops resilience in students. We ill continue to work with your children in this area leading up to the Voting and beyond.
2025 Year 6 Uniform Order Links
If you would like to purchase some Year 6 uniform items, please click and purchase from the links below:
Home Learning
Maths - Mathletics 'To Do' tasks
Reading - Nightly reading (20 minutes)
Writing - A goal for Grade 6 2025
Please remind students to bring their school hats to school each day