Level 4: Connect

We can’t believe it—only a few weeks remain until the end of the school year! We are incredibly proud of our Level 4 students for their hard work and determination during the assessment period. Their dedication and resilience throughout each test were truly commendable and serve as a testament to the outstanding qualities of this cohort. Each student approached the challenges with a positive attitude, demonstrating focus and perseverance, which is an accomplishment to be celebrated.
Adding to this sense of pride, our students were nothing short of amazing during last week’s dance showcase. Their enthusiasm and energy shone brightly, captivating the audience and creating a memorable performance. The excitement and dedication shown during rehearsals were remarkable, with students embracing every opportunity to refine their routines and work collaboratively as a team. It was a joy to witness their hard work pay off in such a spectacular way!
Please remember that your child needs to bring a school hat to school every day. We encourage our students to be 'Sun Smart' and protect their skin from our harsh sun. When the UV index is 3 or above, a hat is required; if a student does not have a hat, they will need to play under the shade sails of the SLC.
Over the next fortnight, our literacy program will dive into rich and creative activities using The Garden of Broken Things as a mentor text. This captivating story will guide students through exploring themes of resilience, imagination, and growth.
Building on this, our focus will shift to diary writing, where students will develop their descriptive language skills using the "Four Senses" strategy. Students will draw upon our studies through Inquiry this term and will use and describe an ecosystem for inspiration, for example 'The Rainforest'. Through vivid descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, and feelings, students will bring their diary entries to life, crafting authentic and engaging personal recounts.
We will also look toward revising our letter writing skills, and the students will start writing a letter to their 2025 Foundation Buddy to introduce themselves .
These activities will aim to deepen comprehension, expand vocabulary, and foster creativity, ensuring an enriching and enjoyable literacy experience for all students.
Over the past two weeks, students have been involved in lots of fun and varied activities involving a multitude of topics. These have included further work on estimation, measuring and perimeter. Students have also been revisiting time- including calculating elapsed time and converting different units of time such as days into hours, minutes into seconds.
Moving forward over the next two weeks, we will be revising place value, measurement, mappping and statistic
Please ensure your child is completing their Mathletics tasks. Teachers set tasks according to what content we are covering in class- so Mathletics is a great way for students to revise and consolidate their class learning.
The website below has some great activities for place value practise:
Students have enthusiastically immersed themselves in their inquiry project, showing great curiosity and teamwork. In pairs, they are researching a variety of ecosystems, diving deep into their unique features, wildlife, and environmental importance.
Students have chosen from a range of fascinating ecosystems, including the Great Barrier Reef, Himalayas, Daintree Rainforest, Antarctica, Kimberley Region, and more. Each pair is exploring what makes their chosen ecosystem special, how living things depend on it, and the challenges it faces in a changing world.
The completed projects will be shared during an Expo in Week 11, where students will present their findings to their familes.
Home learning
Regular reading for 15-20 minutes each night has a powerful impact on your child’s literacy development. This daily habit strengthens their comprehension, expands vocabulary, and builds confidence in their reading skills. Consistent reading also helps children develop a love for stories and learning, setting them up for success across all areas of the curriculum.
Please encourage your child to complete their set Mathletics tasks as there are many students with outstanding activities that have yet to be completed. Thank you for your support with this.
Have a wondeful fortnight and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Thank you for your support with your child's home learning.
Level 4 Teachers.