Principals Report

Dear SEPS Families,
Thank you to everyone who joined our dance expo last Friday afternoon. The energy was high and it was smiles all round as our students performed their dances to a packed stadium... even in the heat. Parents were still talking about how awesome it was this week and students can still be seen in the yard practising their moves. A huge thank you once again to Ms Fraser for coordinating the incursion for us all.
Homework Forum
Another big thank you to the 38 parents who attended our Homework Forum on Monday evening. We had representatives from every year level and a mix of both mums and dads. The discussion, insight and contributions made by our parent community was invaluable. We hope that this will be the first of many more opportunities for parents and staff to come together to learn from each other. We aim to strengthen a collaborative home/school partnership that places our children at the fore as we strive for excellence. Our leadership team already had the think tank going the next day, pulling together many of the ideas from the forum to review homework at Sandy East PS. Please watch out for this information in upcoming newsletters and continue to read Connect, where everything to do with homework continues to be shared by your child’s teachers.
Front Office
Our front of school will finally be open for business from next Monday. The library doors will be closed from Monday and entry will resume via the new front gate and through the foyer. Reminder that bikes and scooters must enter and exit via Miller St. Please do not walk them through the office foyer at any time.
Food Drive
During the year, the local Lions Club have worked closely with us to support to families in our community. We are so appreciative of the work that they do. The Lions president Lee arrives on our doorstep almost immediately when we reach out for assistance. I am very conscious of giving back to Lee and her team. This year we will be selling the Lions Christmas Cakes and Puddings from the front office with all money going directly back to the Lions Club. The 1kg cakes are $16, the 1.5kg cake is $20. Puddings will be $16 however we are waiting on delivery for those.
Lee was telling me this week that all local charities are really struggling with the high need in our area at present. The Lions Club support another local charity BayCISS via their Emergency Food Relief Program. They are running very low on supplies so we thought a food drive would be a great way to finish the year off. There is a flyer later in this newsletter however in preparation, some of the suggested items include: canned fish or ham, jars of pasta sauce, pasta, rice, long life milk. Cereal, peanut butter, vegemite or jam.
We would like you to send along the item(s) in a small cardboard box (eg. shoe box) that students are going to paint and/or decorate at school. We hope to make a giant Christmas tree out of the boxes before handing the items over to the Lions Club at our final assembly. If a box is too difficult, food items can also be dropped into a basket in the office foyer. We thank you in advance should you be able to assist in some small way.
Have a wonderful fortnight ahead.
Jane Briffa